Anna's Formula: An Erotic Transformation Read online

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  The nails on the hand that reached around the shower curtain and pulled it open were scarlet...pure scarlet, perfectly manicured. The curtain came back slow.... very slow.

  Chapter 7

  The body that was slowly exposed to me was beyond any I'd ever seen...any I'd ever imagined. Porn seemed trite - supermodels seemed homely, gymnasts seemed plodding, athletes seemed sickly compared to what I saw.

  First, her arm. Rich, silken caramel, flawless skin, no spots from sunlight or treatments, long fingers...I already told you her fingernails were perfect. Her arm was strong, lithe, as it pushed the curtain back I could see her muscle shifting slightly beneath the skin, firm...and I felt that it was powerful. Her shoulder, high, was firm, rounded, lighter skinned, and completely, completely dwarfed, overwhelmed absolutely by the curve of the breast that was coming into view.

  She had been slightly bigger than she was much bigger. A cantaloupe would be the closest thing to it, but that seemed crass. And maybe a little too small. Round, fattened, soft, and as more was exposed, her aureola came into view, wide and pebbly, exaggeratedly crinkled, a gigantic nipple, big as the tip of your thumb, already with a drop of condensation right out at the tip as steam billowed out from the shower.

  Her hair was down over her shoulder, hanging to her ass, jet-black in the steam, blacker than ebony, shiny with moisture, swaying lightly with the motion of her body.

  Lower, I could see her leg...thigh wide but hard with muscle, long-legged, calf curved, tight, slender and perfect. The figure was tall, tall as me, and I knew I'd been growing. (We were both exactly six feet tall at that point, I learned later.)

  And when I saw her's not giving away a lot to say it was Anna... but not the face of Anna I had ever seen before. When I met her first she was a little plain, with some good features. She'd upgraded herself with whatever she was working on into being one of the hottest girls I'd ever seen. But now... now she wasn't just a hot girl. Now she was a sensual beast, a monster of raw sexuality, her lips flared thick, her eyes wider, a lighter brown, but seemingly endless, hypnotic, piercing. Her cheekbones were higher, her chin rounder.

  Seeing her there, I felt a dozen emotions warring inside me. I was upset at her, angry at what she'd done without my permission. I had admired her mind. I had been her friend. Mike had thought of me as her protector and I felt that way too, I was more experienced in the world, a couple of years older. And as she'd changed, I lusted for her. She'd turned me on with her total confidence and intellectual power, as well as a body that...well, it was getting harder to remember. This body made that one look like a twelve year old. And then these new feelings of power, of control, wanting to possess her, dominate her, all these things were jumbling up inside me. I didn't know how to react. I guess I just stood there with my mouth open like an idiot.

  She slowly poured herself into the shower and closed the curtain behind her, making sure I could see her ass - bigger, higher, rounder, and her tapered waist, impossibly thin. There wasn't enough room for the thick cheeks of her ass to back up and my unspooling oversized dick to heave forward, so we bumped into each other. She giggled, just like Anna, and turned as smooth as a machine into my arms and kissed me.

  It was like nothing I'd ever experienced, that kiss, that first time her unbearably soft and urgent body had pressed itself against me. As her body had gone beyond any wet dream, her kiss was inexperienced, innocent, hungry for something she hadn't truly experienced. Perhaps something no one had ever experienced, given what she had made herself into. It was that innocence, that giggle that pushed me over the edge. All the emotions I was feeling boiled up into lust, aggressive, almost angry lust. I felt my cock surge to hardness I had never felt before, squeezed slightly between her perfect body and mine, felt my arms go around her, pulling her closer, tighter. She squirmed wildly, eagerly in my grasp, the water slicking us up.

  When I spun her around to face the wall, her breasts were so big they brushed the cool tile, her ass protruded up as much as it did back, her hands with their fingers splayed out, her hair now tangling across a back that was wide with firm, tight muscle but narrow at the waist. I grabbed that waist and began to adjust her position...stroking her sex with the head of my nine-inch dick.

  "Shit..." she whispered. "It' big...I knew it was big. But feeling it is...overwhelming. Carl...I need it. I want it so bad..."

  "You wanted it, well, you've got it." I said, and I couldn't quite make it as gentle when I said it. I snapped my words, almost snarling them like I did when I was playacting with Jenny.

  But Anna reacted far more than Jenny did. She was so aroused by my rough tone that she shoved herself backwards, jamming the head of my flaring cock deep inside her tight, clenching cunt. She fought herself backwards onto my oversized dick with incredible strength and determination. And the more forceful I got, the angrier I sounded, the more aroused she was.

  "You want another inch? Huh? You want another fucking inch?"

  "Please, Carl, please give me another inch of that beautiful dick. Please, I want it, I want it sooo bad." she moaned. I gave her two. And kept giving.

  Her pussy seemed to draw me in, squeezing down vice-hard before relaxing, pumping harder. "Fuck me, Carl, you're so big!" I had one hand on the wall above her head and one wrapping around her body to grip a thick-fingered hand around as much of her huge breast as I could grip, rolling and squeezing the oversized nipple, pinching it roughly. Sure enough, she loved it, almost shaking, moaning loud.

  As astonishing as she'd made herself, she didn't last very long. She had the stamina of a horse, but didn't know what to do with it. She was thrusting sloppily, her tongue half hanging out of her perfect lips, her huge breasts bouncing desperately up and back against the cool tile as she pumped herself further and further down on my cock. And once she started cumming... she didn't seem like she could stop. She was shaking more and more violently, her cries getting louder and louder, higher and higher pitched, she crammed her fist into her mouth and bit, screaming, howling for more, and more, and more. When remaking me she'd given me control, and maybe she'd tried to give it to herself too, but she had gone too far overboard to exert it.

  I started almost being cruel, pulling wayyyyy out and letting her almost calm down before driving in crazily, over and over, fast as I could go, my oversized balls swinging in the spray of the water, driving her to even greater heights. Her over-curled eyelashes shook and fluttered, her eyes were rolling back when I reached down and gripped a thigh and lifted it up to give myself even more go even deeper. I could see I was overwhelming her completely. So... I let it go. I felt my cum boil up inside my cock, swelling even more powerfully than her clenching, spasming pussy...When she turned her head back to look at me, her mouth was open, hanging slack, like mine had been when I saw her after her first change.

  God, the release felt so good. So perfect. It's actually kind of hard to stay angry at someone when you're having amazing sex, and even if she wasn't much more than a perfect body - at least at that time - she was so sweet, so good, that I felt my anger at her slipping a bit. When I pulled out I slowly turned her around and kissed her. She flung her arms around me. I felt like I was holding her up.

  Still, even though I was smiling, my seed running down her perfect, smooth legs, rinsed away in the hot water, the first thing I said to her was, "I'm so fucking mad at you."

  Chapter 8

  I had never actually "fucked angry" before. In a way maybe I was a little scared of it. Most of the guys I knew who talked about "hate fucking" were creepy and gross, like they were getting off on the idea of raping a girl. This was different than that - it was clear she wanted it; if anyone was reluctantly participating, it was me. Whenever Jenny or my high school girlfriends and I fought I would give them the cold shoulder rather than try to "fuck it out". (Thinking back, since Jenny saw us as basically a summer hookup, that was probably a stupid idea on my part.)

  So I had never experienced what
I experienced in the shower before, a cathartic surge of aggression and frustration coming out in rough but definitely desired sloppy shower sex. I definitely saw the appeal now. The rawness of it, the craziness of it, pushing the boundaries of our relationship even as we redefined it.

  Anna had thought I was joking when I said I was mad, because she was in a post-orgasmic haze, and I'd just blasted my load so deep in her that it seemed like I could possess her both inside and out. But toweling off in the bathroom, it became pretty clear that I was serious.

  In the living room she folded her arms, which pushed her gigantic breasts up inside her thick robe, and launched into me: "What? What are you so mad about, Carl?" Her voice had taken on a richness even beyond what it was before, like a phone sex operator winding up a mark. "Are you saying it was a chore to fuck me? I'm not sexy enough for you? Okay, fine. Give me a couple of hours and..."

  "No, Anna, that..." A couple of hours? I stopped and she smirked at me with that same impossibly confident smile. She knew she could transform herself further in that period of time and took pleasure in my slightly befuddled express. She even teased me further by slowly turning as if to go to her room to get started right away. I grabbed her arm, my annoyance returning. "That's not it at all! For god's sake, stop acting like a child. We both know you're...amazing. Astonishing. Your body, your face, it's beyond anything any guy could dream. You know that!"

  "I know that." she snapped.

  "So cut out with the 'I'm not good enough for you Carl' bullshit, all right? If you really want to know why I'm pissed, I'll tell you, but not if you're going to just immediately start bullshitting."

  She was blushing when I finished. "Okay, um. Sorry."

  "Fine." A big deep breath. "Look, I'm mad because it's been clear you've been dosing me with some kind of formula to change me the way you've been changing yourself."

  "You don't like it?" Yeah, yeah. She thought like you. You're not listening either!

  "You never asked me!" I said. "What if I hated it?"

  "But you don't."

  "You never asked me."

  She took a step towards me, looked straight across into my eyes. "I knew you would like it." she said in an eerie tone.

  "You thought I would like it."

  "No. I knew you would like it. I live with you, Carl. I know you. I was able to deduce that you would like it."

  "Deduce? What, like I'm a fucking math problem that you've solved?"

  "Is that so hard to imagine?" Yeah. Nerd thinking.

  "It's not hard to imagine, you probably could do that, but it doesn't make it less aggravating, offensive and belittling to me as a person, as a friend, as a, a, potential partner. I'm mad at you because you made this decision for me, without me. I didn't matter to it. At all. You did it for your reasons, not mine!"

  "I listened to you and Jenny. I know what you like." she said, confusion springing to her face and tears coming to her eyes.

  I took her face in my hands tenderly. I phrased myself really carefully. "Anna, if you want to be with me, it has to be Carl and Anna, not Jenny's version of Carl with Anna's version of Jenny."

  "But don't you love it? Don't you love what your body does to women?" she said. Her voice was such that nobody would ever accuse her of whining again, but it was pretty close.

  "Anna, I don't even know the full extent of what has happened to me. Do you understand that? As far as I know you made the skin on my back turn into a checkerboard so you could play a game there while I sleep. Without asking me!"

  "You were down for version 6, for getting smarter, this is just a..."

  I dropped my hands and rolled my eyes. It was my turn to almost walk away, "You're not even listening to me!" I said. "Fucking typical, how can you convince me you're sorry for what you did when you're not even listening to why I'm angry!"

  Her robe half fell open when she grabbed my shoulder, but unlike before I didn't feel it was a tease, didn't feel it was her taking control of the situation with her curved, perfect body. "Wait! Wait...Carl, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

  "Sorry for what?" I snapped.

  "For...making you grow?" I turned to go again and she said, in a hurry. "Wait!! For making you grow without your permission. Without asking you. It was...wrong."

  I remained silent. She continued, " was hard for me, because. I get what you're saying about not following too much what you and Jenny were into, but. fantasies are pretty extreme."

  "No shit." I said sardonically.

  "I'm trying to apologize, don't be a dick!" she muttered. "What I mean is...okay. I had some boyfriends in high school. I even had sex a couple of times. But the best sex I ever had was with a guy who completely outmatched me physically. And it was rough, and surprising, and... shit, I'm getting wet just talking about it." she added, embarrassed. "So it's hard for me to go to a guy and say 'this is what I want', because I want him to just... take me. Have me."

  "That's a great fantasy," I said. I slowly pulled her into a gentle hug. There is no way she could miss that I was hard again. I heard her breath catch in her throat as she realized it. I moved to look in her eyes. "But fucking grow up, Anna. If you want something from a guy, you have to be able to tell him you want it, and he has to be able to say 'yeah, I'll do that with you' or 'no, I'm not into that.' or whatever else."

  She buried her head on my chest. "I'm sorry." she said again. This time it sounded like she actually understood and was sincere.

  "Now are you gonna ask me the next time you want to change me?"

  She nodded slowly against my chest.

  "Are you going to tell me what you did to me already? yourself?"

  Anna looked up, wiping away her tears and slowly that sly, brilliant smile crept back onto her lips. "Yes...I'll tell you. I know it turns you on."

  "Anna..." I said warningly.

  "No, I mean, I know it turns you on because I've seen you get turned on by it before. Do you want just the facts, you want me to tell you the fun way? Are you going to stay mad, or are we making up?"

  "We're...making up." I finally decided.

  "Okay," she said, and pushed me down onto the couch slowly, and moved in to straddle my lap, resting her cushiony ass on my knees. Her breasts smushed up against my chest as she leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  "I knew I needed to be sexier in order to land you. To become 'your type'. I know you're not mad at me changing myself. I get it. It's about permission. So let me tell you what I did to myself. I thought about various kinds of enhancements - surgeries I couldn't afford and which might not be too effective, other interventions. But in the end I knew it would have to be something nobody had ever tried before. And I wasn't smart enough to make it happen. That brought me to the first thing. Version 1 of the smart drug."

  Anna sighed heavily, I could feel her huge nipples hardening against me as she remembered. "My mind has always been my mind. Everyone says I'm a genius but to me it's normal, every day, for me to feel like that. When I took Version 1 I just about came in my chair. I felt my mind speed up, a whirlwind of concepts and problems that I'd been working on, just...solved, solved, solved, solved. There were some side effects I didn't like, so I cut them out for version 2. I got smarter, my ability to make smart drugs also got better. It's a feedback loop. Exponential, at first at least. Version 6 was the first version that I felt completely safe giving to you."

  "When I asked." I pointed out.

  "Yeah," she said.

  "And I was excited when it worked." I added.

  "I get it." she said. "Anyway, I stopped working on that at version 23."

  My mouth must have fallen open. I know my dick surged underneath her. She squirmed and moaned softly, leaning in to kiss my ear gently. "Ohh. So good."

  "I've always been attracted to your mind," I admitted. "Hearing all this is..."

  "Oh yeah." she said with a smile. "I stopped at version 23 because there are upper limits to mental complexity that I can't really breach
right now. Anyway, version 23 is self-replicating, so it's like I'm constantly taking it, constantly getting smarter and smarter, more and more creative, my mind is hungry for more knowledge than I can possibly feed it."

  Anna moved back a little to add: "By this time tomorrow, when all your doses from today settle out completely, you'll have the equivalent of version 14 changing you. You'll be as smart as I was when we met. Maybe more. You'll be a genius, your mind more advanced than all your professors - maybe all your professors combined." When praising me instead of herself, her eyes got a little unfocused, a little urgent, as her horniness built. "You'll be..."

  "Keep on with your story," I urged.

  She blushed slightly. "Mm-hmm. So once I got smart enough, I worked out a way to change myself physically. That first regimen that I did over winter was really intensive. I had to consume a ton of calories, and, uh, excrete a lot of waste too. It was kind of embarrassing and inefficient. I was glad you weren't there for it. But I knew I had surpassed Jenny...I know, I know, forget about Jenny. But she was sort of my template for what you were into."

  "I never meant to take away your choice," she insisted. "I knew I could do something to make you come after me, but that wouldn't be right. I wanted you to have the option of being with other girls if you wanted. I just made myself superior to all of them and trusted you'd come to me one day. I couldn't understand why you never did."

  "I didn't want you to think I wanted you just for your body."

  "That's stupid." Anna said flatly. "This body is an achievement of my mind. It's literally the embodiment of my growing, superior intellect."

  "But it's not the same as who you are. Just, forget about it," I finally said. It was my turn to be a bit embarrassed. "We're past that now."

  She reached down underneath herself to cup my balls through my boxers. "Damn right we are." she whispered, squeezing lightly. "So now that I had proof of concept, as I got smarter I was able to work out how...I wanted to change you, without all the weird digestive problems and..." She waved a hand. "Other issues. Anyway, I dosed your orange juice first when you came back. You guzzled it down to try to keep from jumping me across the table! I felt so good with you looking at me like that. Anyway, that would make your cock grow slightly, but more important, it would boost and alter hormonal balances to give you greater stamina, more sexual power."